As for my lineage, my father was Kenneth John Mock II, son of John Phillip Mock (1886) and Salomia Marie Vaughn (1887), son of Jonathan Mock (1850) & Florence L. Thompson (1861), son of Jacob Mock (1817) & Julia Ann Harclerode (1826), son of George Mock (1790) & Mary or Maria Heckman (1792), son of John Mock (1761) & Anna Elizabeth Bowser (1760), son of Jacob Mock (1745) & Merci Dority (abt 1749), son of Peter Mock (1727) and Catherine Garn.
My mother was Dorothy June Greenawalt, daughter of William Orville Greenawalt (1879) and Ada Belle Mellott (1884), daughter of Joseph Major Mellott (1851) and Sarah Louemma Mellott (1857), son of Major David Daniels Mellott (1815) and Elizabeth Pittman (1816), son of Obediah Roy Mellott (1755) and Mary P. Daniels (1779), son of Frontier Ranger John M. Mellott (1722) and Sarah Stillwell (1720), son of Theodore Merlot (1694) and Catherine Marple (1695).
My tie in with the Solomon B. Mock (1847) who married Charlotte Barefoot (1848), he was the son of Michael Mock (1812) and Susannah Beisel (1811), son of David Mock (1777) and Elizabeth Bowser (1770), son of Peter Mock (1742) and Elizabeth Sample (1747), son of Peter Mock (1727) and Catherine Garn. Charlotte Barefoot daughter of James Barefoot (1821) and Sara Jane Mickey (1823). So as you can see, it was a "trip" to connect the families, but I love a puzzle. My mom has often spoken of friends named Barefoot, and I believe one of her siblings children married a Barefoot.
Well, that's a brief bit on my lineage, my family on both sides goes back to the American Revolution and are certified by the DAR.
Look forward to hearing from you again. Thanks for the pictures. I'll try and get a CD out to you with the Barefoot headstones that I've ID so far. What other family lines would be of interest to you. As for the Pleasantville Cemetery, I have taken pictures of all the headstones as of May 2007, and I'm cataloging those at this time and trying to match them to family lines. Take care and have a great week. B.M.
My brother Ross James Adams passed away 1 January 2008. His wife, Marjorie Adams, passed away 13 February 2008. He was almost 91, and she was 94. Ross received full military honors at Arlington National Cemetery.
Vero Beach, FL
Patty Hott Jones and her sister Cindy Hott Gage, daughters of Gerald "Bob" and Barbara Hott.
I am contacting you because I am Solomon Nunemaker Hammer’s great great great grandaughter. John Colby- Winfeild Scott- John Franklin-John Scott- Me. I am very interested in the family history and I wanted to contact you and let you know I am out here. I was wondering if maybe you have any more old pictures.
Wow, it is so weird that you just responded today because my grandfather John and I where just talking about you and he showed me the Ross book. He also showed me the Barefoot reunion newsletter which is really neat. I have always been really interested in family genealogy and I would always remember Gram and Pap talking about going to the Barefoot Reunion, but I never really thought anything of it when I was a child. I am actually really inspired by Mary "Polly" Sleek Barefoot, because I am going to IUP for nursing and I read that she was the doctor of the town, and it made me feel like I was following the family. My grandfather does have pictures, and I am going to ask him if I can copy them, and I will send them to you. I know I have pictures of Winfield Scott Hammer and Mary Ellen Hammer and from there on I have tons of pictures. Thank you for emailing me back. I really appreciate it. I hope to someday make updates on these family books too.
Thank you and I will keep in touch,
Caitlyn Hammer
Dear Sylvia,
Thank you so very much for all the information you sent me. I really appreciate it! I have been having fun entering data in my program. That is interesting that we just don't know that much about James Ross. I appreciate getting the info that you sent.
I will have to work on papers for DAR for the Sleek connection when I have a minute.
I have noted the Barefoot Reunion in my calendar and will make every effort to be there. It will be great to meet you and the other relatives in person.
That information on Samuel Barefoot and family from Becky Barefoot is truly amazing!!!
I am not sure I have Sylvia and Gary's book - but I very well might have it in NC, so I won't order another until I get there and check.
Thanks again,
San Antonio, TX
Congratulations on the production and publication of the 2008 Barefoot Bulletin. It was a masterful piece of work and obviously required a lot of time and effort on your part. All of the Barefoot clan should be proud of their Bulletin editor.
LH (Author of the Hammer Genealogy)
Earl "Hutch" Hutchison of Missouri and Bob Hott of Ebensburg, PA, brothers-in-law, get a chance to catch up at the reunion - 2008.
Thank you so much for all the info on the McNitt families. It solves one brick wall! I have found a little more on Mary McNitt Barefoot. She died in Missouri, shortly after the 1860 census was taken. And she is definitely buried back in Presbyterian cemetery in Mifflin County, Pa. My grandfather, William Ross Barefoot, remained in Mifflin County, but his brother Robert, went back to Illinois. The Mifflin Co. Historical Society sent me a newspaper clipping from Dec 10, 1890, that Robert came back to visit his aunt and brother. It added that he lived in Chicago, and it was the first time in 25 years that he had been back to Pa.
Also thank you for letting me know about the Barefoot generations. The new information sounds very credible, so I will check further.
If I can give you any info, please don't hesitate to ask. I have Barefoot, McNitt, and Sterrett families. And the LDS Church just helped me to start the Shaw line.
If you have one of the early McNitt brothers on your family tree, I will be glad to pass along about how Alexander McNitt's son, Robert, was kidnapped by Indians in 1777. It's been published in several books about Mifflin County.
I also have a 2 volume set of Biographical Encyclopedia of the Juaniata Valley, published in 1897 by Runk. I can look someone up, if you think it would help you.
Also, my computer needs some work on it; so if there's a lapse in my communication, I have your e-mail address and will get back to you.
Thanks again,
[Note: Sylvia identified Levi and Mary McNitt Barefoot. Levi is a son of Benjamin and Rebecca Ross Barefoot, and he is a brother to our James Barefoot married to Mary Slick.]
Bill Barefoot of York, PA, has been a past president of the Barefoot Reunion, a vice president, and the manager of the sound system. He and his wife Dorothy have been attending the reunion for many years Bill also passes the hat and solicits donations to support the reunion.
Hi, Sylvia,
Well, it’s that time of year again for the Barefoot Reunion. Time goes quickly. Last year’s newsletter was quite nice.
I’m sending a picture of Mom and Dad on their wedding day 20 June 1934. His name was Alex Vale Stanton. I also enclosed a small picture of mom on her 90th birthday 9 August 1990. Thanks for the newsletter.
Pittsburgh, PA
Ruth Katherine Hillegas Stanton on her 90th birthday and Alexander Vale Stanton, Jr., and Ruth on their wedding day 30 June 1934. Submitted by their daughter KS P. 258 in Barefoot Book.
Ashley Hott at the 2008 Barefoot Reunion
Sylvia,Just wanted to let you know that the local post office and corner store in my home town in England was run by a family with the last name BARFOOT. As they were probably the first generation to read and write in the 1940's, and as my family changes their last name from JOICE to JOYS to JOYES to JAYS and back again depending on who was the minister officiating (yes I actually have the film there with the copy of the parish register) all in one family in one generation - you might find a connection in Sussex, England. Just a thought, stranger things have happened.
WH, York, Pennsylvania
Cousins Mike Barefoot and Penny Espenshade chat at the reunion as they recall old times. Mike is son of Bernard Barefoot and Penny is daughter of Bill Barefoot.
Dear Sylvia,
Thank you again for all that you and the other officers of the Barefoot Reunion do. It’s so nice to get the Bulletin and read it way out here in Washington State. My mother was Rose Ella Buskirk. My grandmother was Bertha May Reasy. My great-grandmother was Elizabeth Barefoot, the 10th child of Diane (Heck) and William Barefoot, who was the 4th child of Mary (Sleek) and James Barefoot.
I’m sending this correction for your records. My mother’s grandmother died 9 August 1935, according to Mother’s records. She practically raised my mom, who was born in 1905, so she couldn’t have died in 1870. My grandma Bertha was her oldest and only daughter – the rest were boys – Simon, Ross, and Walter.
Enumclaw, Washington
24 July 2008
Dear Sylvia, 7/24/2008
The Barefoot Newsletter came today, and it was done in the same excellent style it always has been in the past. Thank you so much for all the hard work in putting this together.
We’re off to New Jersey next Wednesday. The 11th is Joyce’s big birthday, and our son Steve and his family will be there. She doesn’t know it yet, but our daughter Ann and grandson Buddy are planning to sneak to the cottage to help usher her into the next decade of life. Her age was not a big deal for me if memory serves me correctly. Be well and be safe.
St Clairsville, Ohio
Mary Anne (Mrs. Eric) Hott and daughter Rebecca for years organized the auction. Now they have turned the reins over to cousin Bobbie Ann, but they still help out where needed.
Dear Sylvia,
Thank you for the newsletter. It was interesting to read and get updates on family members. My father was Robert Barkley Barefoot, son of Stanton Earl Barefoot. My mother Margaret (Suter) Barefoot is 91 and lives in a nursing home close to me. She has severe dementia. P. 148 of the Barefoot Book. (Descended from William S. Barefoot II and Jennie Barkley.
I really enjoyed the story on Ben Barefoot by his son. I remember him and going to my Uncle Doc and Aunt Pat’s place. Thank you again.
Updates on our family:
Sandy (Barefoot) and Tom Cooper
Two Children:
Claudia married to Arlin Thrush
2 children:
Cooper Thrush
Zachary Thrush
Thomas (Div)
2 children:
Aspen Cooper
Autumn Cooper
Yours truly,
Bloomsburg, PA
Thanks for the newsletter. I was particularly surprised by the Ancestor Spotlight – Bernard Barefoot. I always thought my father was the only Bernard Barefoot. He was the 2nd youngest son of John Oscar Barefoot and Anna Mae Crissman.
Aurora, OH
Dear Sylvia,
Please send the newsletter to me.
Every time I see the words Barefoot Reunion, I think of Robert because he really enjoyed the people. He liked their kindness, and the willingness to help others, and how to have a good time.
Hope you are well.
I went to Southern France for ten days and found it very relaxing.
I taught this past year and was accompanist for middle school programs.
I settled everything for Robert (her recently deceased brother), but I don’t know yet where I want to retire. I keep looking at different places. My best to you.
Bethlehem, PA
Hi, Sylvia,
I am a descendant of the Joseph Earl Barefoot (my father) and Ira Earl and Carrie Bowser Barefoot (my grandparents) from alum Bank – Bedford County.
I remember my Dad getting all (there were 8 children) of us dressed up to go to the Barefoot Reunion. My husband and children (2) live in Lancaster County, PA.
I would love to receive a newsletter and any other information you may have.
Thanks for keeping this going.
Our son Sgt. Bryan Rizzo works for the Northeastern Regional Police Dept. in Mt. Wolf, PA.
Mary Jane Barefoot Rizzo
Lancaster, PA
Thank you so much for sending the newsletter. It is so well done, and I was surprised to see how many of the Barefoots are from the Pleasantville area.
The picture of the Watkins Hotel and the School House in Alum Bank (I went there 3-8 grades). The eight Square School was extra special; my dad went there. These all brought tears to my eyes. Thank you for an amazing job.
Lancaster, PA
Dear Sylvia,
Am ordering the Barefoot Bulletin and would like you to send a copy to my sister Peggy Parrish of Silver Springs, MD. She has had some health problems. Also, I like your newsletter. We enjoy your letters so much; they are so interesting. God bless you for doing then – that is a lot of work! Thanks so much,
Johnstown, PA
Mark Piljay, friend of Gail Prave, has some relaxing times with his beagle Lizzie at the 2008 Barefoot Reunion.
Dear Sylvia,
Once again I am sending praises for the wonderful Barefoot Bulletin. Each issue gets better and better. And the pictures - and obituaries are invaluable - though I do
not know anyone anymore. But other genealogists must treasure them.
Currently I have put together a Moore booklet for my nephew who recently graduated from an R.N. program in Oregon. We went by train - no more long drives - and stayed with our middle son Jonathan and his wife in Eugene, Oregon.
Jon drove us to the graduation in Salem and then all our children arrived to celebrate our 65th wedding anniversary together! They put on an eastern clambake
for us - what joy - using Dungeness crab instead of lobster which we find quite a tasty substitute. Of course my brother was there for his son's event so it really was
a memorable time for us and the whole family. Some had not seen nephew Paul for 15 years - and here he finally was graduating at age 50!
Anyway he asked if I had any material on the Moore family and boy = do I have 'stuff"! It has been a chore but that Ninetieth Barefoot Reunion booklet held gems
of information too. You people are doing a great service to this far flung family.
And we are happy the lineage of the Ross's is resolved - I tried and tried with no luck but now our cousins Becky and Sharon have documented it very well. I must get copies of these books into our wonderful genealogical library here in Santa Barbara so will write Sylvia Coleman to see if that is possible. I'd like the Barefoot
book and the Ninetieth Souvenir book too. Well, maybe I'll give them mine as no one in the family seems interested in my work so that library will be a safe repository for my 'stuff'. - if they have room! We are currently conducting a building fund campaign to enlarge the building which already holds over 10,000 books, 600 discs, 3 computers, 2 microfiche readers and extensive files. Bob actually built all the stacks years ago, so we are quite familiar with the property.
Enclose my subscription fees and a donation which I hope you find useful and look forward to hearing from you next year.
Ashley Hott, daughter of Eric and Maryanne Hott
Hi I am a direct decendant of John Mellott Sr.-Sarah Elizabeth Stillwell.They are my 6th g-grandparents.My mother is a Mellott.My grandfather always said that he had Indian ancestors.(David Leander Mellott).My grandmother on my fathers side was also a Ross.(Viola Grace (Ross)Shaw).All of my ancestors where first families of PA.The Mellots-Bradford County,The Stewarts-Green County,The Ross's and Shaw's-Bucks County.And all 4 families where settlers-First families of Monroe County Ohio.I know we are distant cousins,and I would also assume I am a distant cousin to the Barefoot's.Would like to hear more about the Barefoot connection and family.Thank you so much Elizabeth(Shaw)Joslin